Park Hopping Just Got More Magical


If you’re planning a trip to Disneyland, you’ll be happy to hear that park hopping is a lot more magical! Park hopping allows guests to move between the two main parks – Disney California Adventure and Disneyland Park – throughout the day. Starting February 4th, park hopping starts earlier than ever before, beginning at 11am. Here’s a look at all the great reasons why you should take advantage of this new schedule.

More Time To Explore Both Parks

With park hopping starting at 11am, guests will have even more time to explore both parks during their visit. This means more time to ride your favorite rides and attractions, as well as check out some of the newer experiences available in both parks during the 100 Years of Wonder Celebration. Plus, it gives you a chance to experience different parts of each park. For example, if you start your day in Disney California Adventure and want to check out some classic attractions later on in the day such as It’s A Small World or Pirates of the Caribbean, you can do so with ease.

Enjoying Everything the Parks Have to Offer

One of the best things about visiting Disneyland is experiencing all of the delicious food and drinks available in both parks. With extra time for park hopping available throughout the day, guests can now enjoy a meal or snack from one park before heading over to another for dessert or an afternoon pick-me-up! Plus, there are plenty of options for food allergies and dietary restrictions so everyone can find something tasty to enjoy no matter what they’re looking for.

Park hopping from 11am onward also provides guests with an opportunity to take breaks throughout their day. This means that if your feet need a break after walking around for hours on end or if you just need a moment away from all of the excitement, you can easily hop over to another park and come back when you’re feeling refreshed and ready to go again. Taking breaks is important when visiting any theme park so this is definitely something that should be taken advantage of while visiting Disneyland!

Whether you want more time exploring each park or just need a break during your visit, this new schedule makes it easy for everyone to make the most out of their trip without having to worry about missing out on anything important along the way. So what are you waiting for? Get ready for some fun-filled days at Disneyland full of all sorts of exciting experiences!